Friday, June 11, 2010

Severn Suzuki speaking at UN Earth Summit 1992

she spoke like that on 1992? now's 2010. I mean, 18 years, what have we done? how much speech must went out from a 12 years old child to make a difference for us? it's a big mistake when we think that this speech is only dedicated to the goverment. cause this is not the only goverment's problem, it's ours. we are the changer


In antiquity, there lived an orphaned peasant boy in the northern part of Sumatra island. The area is very dry. Syahdan, he was living from farming and fishing. One day he was fishing a fish that is very beautiful. The color is golden yellow. So holding, the fish is turned into a beautiful princess. The lady is a woman who was condemned for violating a ban. He will turn into a kind of creature that first touch. Therefore, the human touch, so he turned into a princess.

spkr.gif (282 bytes) Enchanted by her beauty, the young farmer asked the princess to be his wife. Applications are accepted on condition that he was not going to tell you that its origins come from peasant ikan.Pemuda it undertakes these requirements. After a year, married couples are granted a boy. He has a bad habit that is never satiated. He ate all the food there.

spkr.gif (282 bytes) On a day the child was eating all the food from their parents. The young man was very annoyed to say: "base progeny of fish!" That statement by itself unlock the secrets of this isterinya.Dengan their promises have been violated.

spkr.gif (282 bytes) My wife and daughter magically disappear. The land of their former footing menyemburlah springs. Water flowing from these springs was increasingly large. And becomes a vast lake. The lake now called Lake Toba

Ariel Create a tantrum at Police Headquarters (suspected of damaging the camera cameraman Trans7)

JAKARTA - Nazriel Irham eyebrows (Ariel Peterpan) back acting up. This time it's not about the alleged video nasty diperankannya. After examined at Police Headquarters, Friday (11 / 6) afternoon, Ariel suspected of damaging the camera's cameraman Trans7, Zikrullah.

The destruction itself occurred when Ariel and his girlfriend, Luna Maya, leaving 18:10 pm Police Headquarters, to be exact after undergoing tests. According Zikrullah, a camera that has been destroyed by the singer brought the song "What happened to" it. "Branded lenses twisted, his wide lens (lens width) were damaged," said Zikrullah at Police Headquarters.

When Ariel and Luna out of the examination room, dozens of lovers cameraman was waiting with his camera in front of the snout PUSLABFOR Police Headquarters building. Ziki's when the camera was right on the head of Ariel is about to enter a waiting car in the courtyard.

Disturbed by the existing camera on his head, without looking behind Ariel interesting Widelens (wide lenses) Zikrullah-held camera. As a result the front end of Ziki's camera was broken.

Asked whether he would be policing the incident, which akran Zikrullah Ziki called by name it was coordinating with other parties. "Yeah, we'll coordinate it with our new office report (to police)," he said.

As is known, Ariel and Luna began to be examined at Police Headquarters since at 15:20 pm. Examination related to the circulation of a video nasty pair allegedly starred Ariel and Luna.

source: click here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The meaning of love and love

Heartbeat continues berlantun
integrated fixed footsteps
in full-color sheets life
Khan's dreams come true latency
pie in the sky high tergapai khan
with cheerfulness and sincerity of its operations and
That sense of self-love ^ o ^

** If you love someone, we will always mendo'akannya
although he was not at our side. God gave us two legs to walk, two hands to hold, two ears to hear and two eyes to see. But why did God only bestows a piece of our hearts?
* Since God has provided another piece of our hearts to someone to find him. That's Love ...

** Do not occasionally say goodbye if we still want
Do not give up if we still occasionally felt able.
Do not occasionally say we do not love her anymore, if we still can not forget it.

** Love comes to those who still have hope, although they have been disappointed.
To those who still believe, even though they had been betrayed. To those who still want to love, even though they've been hurt before and To those who have the courage and conviction to build back trust.

** Do not store the words of love with someone dear to his death and eventually we were forced to record the words
love is on pusaranya.
* We recommend that you speak words of love that saved us dibenak it now while there is life.

** Maybe God wants us to meet and have sex with the wrong people before meeting the right people, we must understand how to be grateful for this gift.

Love can change bitter into sweet, golden dust switch, turbid
become clear, the sick were healed, the prison into the lake, pain becomes pleasure and anger into mercy.

It hurts to love someone who does not love us, but more painful is to love someone and we never had the courage to express that love him.

If we want to love or having someone's heart ibaratkanlah like editing a red rose.
Sometimes we smell the roses, but there are times when we feel the thorns of the rose can stab a finger.

The sad thing in life is when we meet someone who means a lot to us, only to find that ultimately become meaningless and we should let him go.

Sometimes we do not appreciate people who love us wholeheartedly, so we lose it.
At that moment, nothing to regret because it goes without saying anymore. Love the person on the basis of who he is now and not who he was before. The story of the past do not need referred to again, if we truly love him sincerely.

Be careful with love, because love can also make healthy people become sick, overweight people to become thin, normal people become crazy, the rich become poor, the king becomes a slave, if his love has been welcomed by the lovers FALSE! Possibility of what we loved or loved one saved ugliness
therein, and the possibility of what we hate goodness stored in it.

Hunks meaning of love to treasure, love for women meaning of nature, love of self that is wise, love to die means to live and love in God means Takwa.

Throw a man happy in love into the sea, he will bring a fish.
Throw is also a man who failed in love into the warehouse of bread, he will die of starvation.

If we can speak in all languages of man and nature, but do not have feelings of love and affection, you can not change that resonated like a gong or just a gemericing cymbals.

Love is eternal ... and memories are the best thing that ever owned.
Anyone good at living up to love, but no one is good at assessing love because love is not an object that can be seen by the invisible, the opposite of love can only be felt through the heart and feelings.

Love can soften steel, crushing of stone, raised the dead and breathe life into him and make the slave leader.
That fierce love .....

Love actually is to let those we love be perfectly themselves and not to twist them into the image we want.
If not, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in him.

We will never know if we'll fall in love. But when the time comes it, seize with both hands and do not let him go with a million a sense a question mark on his heart.

** Love is not cheap and commonplace words spoken from the mouth kemulut but love is a gift of God's beautiful and holy, if humans can assess purity.

Making love was easy, really easy to be loved too. But to be loved by those we love that is difficult to obtain.

If only the presence of love just to disappoint, it's better that love was never present. Because love anything that brings beauty and happiness in it.

Love is like a butterfly. Add pursued, plus run ... But if allowed to fly, he will come when we least expect it.
Love can make you happy but often also make a sad, but a new love worth if given to someone who appreciates it.
So do not hurry and choose the best.

Love is not how to be paired with "perfect" for someone. But how to find someone who can help you be yourself.
Do not ever say "I love you" if we do not really care. Never talk about feelings that never existed.
Never touch someone's life if it will break his heart.
Do not ever looked into his eyes if all we do is lie.

The most cruel thing that someone did to others was to let fall in love, while we did not intend to arrest him ...
Love is not "It's one of you", but "Forgive me".
Not "You're where is it?", But "I'm here".
Not "How's wrong with you?", But "I understand why." Not
"Let you not like this", but "I love you like you know what is."

The most true compatibility is not measured by how long we've been together or how often we share, but if as long as we together, we are always complementary to each other and make life quality.

Only felt sadness and longing for what we want and cut as deep as we ijinkan.Yang not how to overcome the weight of sadness and longing, but how to learn from him.

Way he fell in love ......
fall but do not stumble, be consistent but not pushy. share and do not be unfair, understand and try not to be demanding, sad but never keep the sadness.

It hurt to see those we love is being happy with someone else, but it hurts even worse when those we love is not happy with us.
Love will hurt when we split up with someone, the more painful when we are forgotten by a lover, but love will hurt even more when someone we love does not know what we really feel.

The saddest thing in life is to find someone and fall in love, only to discover that he's not for us and we've spent plenty of time for people who never appreciate it.
If he was not "worth it" now, he will never "worth it" one more year or 10 years anymore, let her go ....

When you think, love is blind The love still life in your mind
When you have the passion of love
Will you find the time for it!

Love Is not always an easy road to traverse.
if you've found yourself confused about your path, take a minute.
and let love help you find your way .....

Love is sweet
Love needs sweat
But sweat is not sweet
but sweet is reached with sweat

Love is passion, love is trust, love is energy that can not be destroyed it can only change forms.
Love did not have to have, because love means to give without ever asking.


A famous American psychologist doing an extraordinary experiment. He and his team gave an IQ test to all students in a school before the end of the school. Then they selected ten students and told the students that every teacher, "These ten students will be in your class. We know from their tests that they were technically excellent student. You will see that they all will be the top in their class at the next school year. You must promise not to say this to every student, because the effect would be detrimental to them. "The teachers were also promised to not say anything.

The reality is that none of the students from that list really smart. All ten children were randomly selected and only then submitted to the teacher.

A year later, the psychologists were returned to the school. They test all students. Some of them are said to serve targeted smart rise in value thirty-six points. The psychologists were interviewed and asked the teacher, "What do you think these students?" The teacher was immediately answered by using adjectives like "smart", "dynamic", "fun", "interesting", and forth.

What has happened to these students if the teachers do not think they are smarter in class? Precisely that is what the teacher has developed a whole potential of these students.

-------------------------------------------------- ------

An ordinary person, if he trained, motivated, and maximized, the result will be 10 students had been lucky. Although he was filled with limitations. We'll see how an Alfa Thomas Edison, who is considered a slow student in his class, eventually became one of the most inventors in modern history. I do not know what would happen if he is treated like the Ten children were, well .. could be an atomic bomb first appeared before Einstein's contemporaries.

We see also a Hellen Keller who was deaf, dumb, blind since he was aged less than two years. As a common man, we might be confused how to solve it, how to teach. Perhaps we will think she should be allowed to live, be pampered, served, though he would not know anything until the end. But not with people nearby. They menemuan a way of communicating with children through the senses perabanya. He did not dimaja, precisely trained hard, until finally we know that Helen Keller, with all its limitations can become a famous lawyer and author renowned in his time.

IQ we can indeed mediocre, but do not blame us if we can exceed one time considered the most genius person in this country.

Never assume you are a small people, just because you do not have power over those around you.

Never assume you are poor just because you can not pay your school.

And Do not ever think you are stupid, just because you lose smart with your competitors. Remember kata2 an Alfa Thomas Edison who had once been branded stupid by his teachers

"The success was only 1% genius. 99% of it is hard work"

Suppose that you are great people (not necessarily in the physical sense of course) who can bring people around us becomes better, the very rich so as to give alms, and who are very smart to be able to practice his knowledge. But of course, do not you conceited and arrogant just because you think it is excessive. However, God is the Greatest.

Insha Allah, it's a step that will shape you and those around you.

Kondisikanlah people around you to think of you as a person more, and the excess was kelaman will appear in your self more quickly than before. If you are unable to condition the people around you to assume you like the teachers above considers the ten lucky students, graduate teachers and students came together in you. You are a teacher you also consider yourself as a clever student. Inshallah, it will also come versatility provided that you also learn of course.